South Sudan News

Amid insecurity, WHO scaling up routine immunization coverage in South Sudan

Amid widespread conflict where over 1.9 million people displaced due to insecurity, ensuring all children receive life-saving vaccines can be a challenge.

To strengthen and increase routine immunization coverage in conflict affected areas, WHO conducted multiple service delivery activities including accelerated outreach, measles follow-up campaign and phase II of the meningitis campaign in the conflict affected states of Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile to reduce the risk of vaccine preventable diseases including measles and meningitis outbreaks.

WHO and GAVI Alliance Partners along with the Ministry of Health strategizes to vacc...

Despite widespread conflict and insecurity, South Sudan has witnessed a remarkable improvement in routine vaccination coverage in 2017. Since the introduction of the pentavalent – or five-in-one vaccine for infants that combines five antigens, namely: Diphtheria; Pertussis; Tetanus; Hepatitis B (HB) and Haemophilus influenza type b, the country raised pentavalent vaccine coverage from 45% in 2016 to 57% in 2017.

WHO reaches returnees and displaced families with lifesaving supplies and services i...

Juba, 15 February 2018 – WHO and partners are responding to an influx of more than 15 000 returnees from Uganda and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Bungu, Kuli-Papa, Kagwada and Katigiri Counties, former Central Equatoria State South Sudan, since the influx was reported in late January 2018. The influx is stretching the existing humanitarian resources and primary health care services. Since clashes in mid-2016, humanitarian needs in the area have remained high.

WHO promptly responds to the suspected Rift Valley Fever outbreak in Yirol East, Eas...

Juba, 14 February 2018 – Following the detection of a suspected Rift Valley fever outbreak in the Eastern Lakes State of South Sudan by the National Ministry of Health, World Health Organization supported the establishment of multi sectoral rapid response to investigate and prevent further spread of the disease. WHO established a temporary Incident Management System in Yirol East County to support the State authorities with coordination, surveillance, risk communication, case management and logistics. 

WHO steps up efforts to reach severely malnourished children with life-saving treatm...

Regina Archangelo, walked in to the stabilization center inside Wau Teaching Hospital carrying her weak six months old twin boys Ochan and Opio. One could easily notice that not only the twins, the mother too was frail and underweight.

The twins are among the estimated over 261 000 children in South Sudan suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in 2018. Luckily, their parents were able to take them to Wau Teaching hospital, former Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

South Sudan declares the end of its longest cholera outbreak

Juba, South Sudan, 7 February 2018 – South Sudan declared the end of its longest and largest cholera outbreak on Wednesday 7 February 2018, with no new cases of cholera reported in over seven weeks.

The fight against cholera in South Sudan has involved a range of partners working together to enhance surveillance, deploy rapid response teams to investigate and respond to cases, provide clean water, promote good hygiene practices and treat cholera patients.

WHO promotes one-health approach to enhance response to zoonoses in South Sudan

Juba, 25 January 2018 – To reduce threats posed by zoonotic diseases due to a wide range of diseases – including Rift Valley Fever, Crimean- Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Avian Influenza, Yellow Fever, as well as Lassa Fever, Ebola, and Marburg, WHO is promoting the one-health approach to ensure that the combined resources and expertise are effectively used.

South Sudan investigates the suspected Viral Haemorrhagic Fever outbreak in Yirol Ea...

Juba, 10 January 2018 – Following a report of suspected viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF) outbreak in Thonabutkok village, Yirol East County on 28 December 2017, a multi-sectoral response in the context of one health was launched by the Ministry of Health, WHO and other experts from the human and animal health for an in-depth investigation to establish the cause of deaths in three people as well as reported deaths and abortions in domestic animals and wild birds.