South Sudan News

The Ministry of Health in partnership with WHO and partners strengthens health infor...

Juba 23 November, 2017: As a commitment to providing quality, affordable, effective and efficient health services at all levels, the Ministry of Health with support from WHO and other health partners, has embarked on harmonizing health indicators for maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) and ascertaining health information data quality across the states and counties in South Sudan. 

South Sudan conducts Polio Outbreak Simulation Exercise to strengthen Polio outbreak...

Juba, 08 November 2017: WHO South Sudan in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH), UNICEF and other partners, conducted a Polio Outbreak Simulation Exercise (POSE) from 7 to 8 November 2017 at Juba Landmark Hotel to renew the commitment and evaluate South Sudan’s preparedness and capacity to respond to potential Polio event /and outbreak, outline strategies/guidelines and establish standards and timeline for response.

South Sudan Marks World Blood Donor Day 2017 Under the Theme: What can you do? Give ...

Juba, 14 June 2017– South Sudan on 14 June 2017 joined the rest of the world in marking the World Blood Donor Day under the theme: “What can you do? Give blood. Give now. Give often” to emphasize the significance of voluntary and regular blood donation and maintain adequate supplies and achieve a national self-sufficiency of blood; strengthen the emergency preparedness of health services in the community by donating blood and thank individuals who donate blood regularly and encourage young people to become new donors. 

South Sudan kick starts implementation of the 3rd Malaria Indicator Survey to assess...

Juba, 04 November 2017: The Ministry of Health and the National Bureau of Statistics, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, Population Services International, UNICEF and partners will conduct the 3rd Malaria Indicator survey (MIS) from 20 November to 10 December 2017. This survey implemented under the Global Fund grant for malaria will target 5 600 households in 280 out of 10 000 enumeration areas across the country.

WHO partners with UNIDO to close gaps in primary health care services in the Islands...

The conflict in South Sudan has caused a public health crisis, exacerbating underlying health vulnerabilities and weak infrastructure in the country. With the start of the current crises, a new set of challenges emerged that jeoparadized the very core foundation of the health system and its ability to meet the most basic health and nutrition needs of the population. Health systems challenges such as inadequate human resources, health care financing, essential medicines and medical supplies, among others still persist.

WHO and the Ministry of Health strategize for the next five years to improve the imm...

An effective, evenly targeted immunization programme and its ability to reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) will greatly contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages) that aims to end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age to at least as low as 12 per 1000 live births and 25 per 1000 live births respectively.