Stakeholders engage in deliberations during the development phase of the national cancer control strategy

WHO's Ongoing Support Paves the Way for The Gambia's First National Cancer Control Strategy

WHO Country Rep, Dr. Jane Maina, talks to students during the MDA campaign

WHO's MDA Campaign Makes Significant Strides Against Schistosomiasis in The Gambia

Dr. Jane Maina, WHO Country Rep. for Gambia, reads her statement to the media and participants in attendance of the day's commemoration

WHO Celebrates World Malaria Day, Highlights Progress and Challenges

Welcome banner at the event

WHO Spearheads Groundbreaking Workshop to Advance Clinical Trial Oversight in West Africa

Dr. Jane Maina (center) with the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou L. Samateh (right)

Dr. Jane Maina Assumes Role as WHO Interim Country Representative in The Gambia

Attendees at the World TB Day celebrations at Farato Health Centre

Public Health Leaders Unite in The Gambia to Mark World TB Day

Dr. Tiruneh (left) with the His Excellency, President Adama Barrow of Gambia

WHO Representative Dr. Desta Tiruneh Honored in Farewell Meeting with His Excellency, President Adama Barrow of Gambia

Dr. Desta Tiruneh and WHO staff with Vice President Muhammad B. S. Jallow

Outgoing WHO Representative Receives Warm Farewell from Vice President of Gambia

Cross section of participants during the training

Bridging Gaps, Building Hope: Empowering Community Health Workers in Mental Health Care

Attendees at the WHO75 celebration

World Health Organization in The Gambia Marks 75 Years of Global Health Impact