Namibia health care provider at an outreach point.

Strengthening capacity on implementing Primary Health Care Quality Standards

Team from MOHSS and WHO conducting the quality assessment of maternal health care services

Namibia is striving to improve quality of care for maternal and child health

Digital Learning Platform (DLP)  to enhance preparedness and response to health emergencies.

Namibia embrace Digital Learning Platform (DLP) to enhance preparedness and response to Public Health Events

MOHSS Management and UNAM management for the Faculty of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Health managers in Namibia supports the integration of Behavioral insight in public health

MOHSS and WHO staff at the IPC workshop

Namibia’s infection prevention and control strategies regarded as good practice for health emergencies

Ms Veronika Haimbili with the regional RCCE Coordinators during the Content Development Workshop

Increasing health promotion capacity to respond timeously to health information needs

Training on ICD 11

Namibia transition from International Classification of Disease (ICD) 10 to ICD 11

HE Charles Moore, UK High Commissioner to Namibia, Ms. Hopolang Phororo, UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Mzingisi Gqwede, the Director of Adult Education in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and Dr Mary Brantuo, WHO Namibia Officer-in-Charge

WHO Namibia reflects on public health gains since independence

Participants with the Facilitators from HQ and AFRO during the child maltreatment training

Namibia holds an inaugural training on the management of child maltreatment