Partner coordination meeting

Partner coordination Contributes to Better COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage in Kasese District

Harriet explains her ordeal before coming for vaccination and fear of clotting effect which was rampant in media.

Protecting humanity and putting down fears associated with COVID-19 vaccines

Hon. Dawda Jallow opened-up about his experience following his COVAX vaccination

Attorney General and Minister of Justice: COVID-19 vaccine is Safe and Effective

Almamy Kassama wishes his entire family to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Almamy Kassama assuredly takes his first shot of COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr Rudi Eggers, WHO Representative, Kenya, speaking during the vaccination launch. He was accompanied by MOH officials, Dr Patrick Amoth, Director General and Ms Susan Mochache, Principal Secretary

Kenya Third Wave Response: A time to synergize and re-energize

Risk of major measles outbreaks as countries delay vaccination drives

Risk of major measles outbreaks as countries delay vaccination drives

WHO Representative to Uganda gets COVID-19 vaccine jab. This was to build confidence in the vaccine in order for health workers and everyone eligible to get it.

Frontline Health workers in Hoima District Hesitate about COVID-19 vaccination, then Embrace it after WHO Assurance

The Minister of Health with the UNICEF and WHO Representative

Zambia launches the COVID-19 vaccination

Bolstering vigilance as Africa rolls out COVID-19 vaccines

Bolstering vigilance as Africa rolls out COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccination in Uganda

WHO Builds trust for COVID-19 Vaccination and Addresses Hesitancy in West Nile Sub Region