Over two-thirds of Africans exposed to virus which causes COVID-19

Over two-thirds of Africans exposed to virus which causes COVID-19: WHO study

Implications of social media misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine confidence among pregnant women in Africa

Implications of social media misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine confidence among pregnant women in Africa

Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah receiving first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine during the launch in Monrovia

Liberia marks one year of COVID-19 vaccination, 1,124,277 people receive full dose

WHO’s SURGE team visiting the National Emergency Operation Centre at the Ministry of Defense Justice and Security, Gaborone

Enhancing Botswana`s emergency preparedness and response capacity beyond COVID-19: The SURGE Initiative

African mayors commit to promote urban health and wellbeing

African mayors commit to promote urban health and wellbeing

Sierra Leone marks two years since first COVID-19 case

Looking back on progress as Sierra Leone marks two years since first COVID-19 case

Dr Emile Rwamasirabo, Urological Surgeon discussing Operation Save the Neighbor /@WHO Robert Cyubahiro

As a doctor there are calls you just can’t ignore, Dr Emile Rwamasirabo

European Union funding boosts COVID-19 vaccination in Africa

European Union funding boosts COVID-19 vaccination in Africa

Genomic surveillance assessment mission in Lesotho - SARS-COV-2 variants surveillance mission in Lesotho

Genomic surveillance assessment mission in Lesotho

Kenyan lab boosting Africa’s genome surveillance

Kenyan lab boosting Africa’s genome surveillance