Monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends to save lives

Monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends to save lives

Guarding against antimicrobial resistance in Liberia

Guarding against antimicrobial resistance in Liberia

WHONET Training

Zimbabwe builds the capacity to manage antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance data

14 costing coordinators from the Ministry of Health and Child Care, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water & Rural Development and the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism & Hospitality Industry

Zimbabwe builds the capacity to cost and implement its new National Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance (2023-2027)

Doctors working on a sample at a laboratory in Obafemi Awolowo University

Nigeria bolsters laboratory  capacity for antimicrobial resistance towards  Universal Health Coverage 

A cross section of the research participants and officials from WHO and the Ministry of Health and Sanitation

WHO supports operational research capacity to boost prevention of antimicrobial resistance in Sierra Leone

WHO and Partners  Support AMR Scientific Meeting

WHO and Partners Support AMR Scientific Meeting