Urgent action needed to reinforce breast cancer control measures in Africa: WHO report

Urgent action needed to reinforce breast cancer control measures in Africa: WHO report

Intégration du dépistage des cancers féminins dans les soins de santé primaire au Niger

Integrating female cancer screening into primary health care in Niger 

Stakeholders at the development of the Uganda  Child and adolescent cancer control strategy

WHO supports development of child and adolescent cancer control strategy in Uganda

Stakeholders engage in deliberations during the development phase of the national cancer control strategy

WHO's Ongoing Support Paves the Way for The Gambia's First National Cancer Control Strategy

Dr Anne Ancia, WHO Representative encouraging the population to practice regular physical activity to stay healthy and prevent cancer and other NCDs

Mauritius mobilizes to Close the Care Gap

 HPV vaccine

Safeguarding the future of women and girls in Nigeria against cervical cancer

Dr Susan Tembo WHO Representative Eswatini  (left) at the event looking on while Fikile Hlatjwayo narrates her cancer journey.

"Closing the care gap - the role of families" in Breast Cancer battle.

Three African countries pilot initiative to boost cervical and breast cancer care

Three African countries pilot initiative to boost cervical and breast cancer care

Off-track cervical cancer progress risks 70 000 deaths every year in Africa

Off-track cervical cancer progress risks 70 000 deaths every year in Africa

Progress towards cervical cancer elimination

Progress towards cervical cancer elimination