The nightmare of underserved populations during the Cholera outbreak

Press briefing

Malawi contains cholera outbreak

Dr Owen Kaluwa giving his remarks in Richards Bay at a Cholera Preparedness Training

WHO Representative Dr. Owen Kaluwa Applauds Frontline Heroes at Cholera Preparedness Training in Richards Bay

Simulation exercise with WHO personnel giving an explanation at a Cholera preparedness/readiness and response training in Durban

Strengthening Cholera Preparedness/Readiness and Response in South Africa through Training

Aubrey Timoti and his family

WHO community sensitisation in Malawi’s Southern Region halts cholera outbreak

MoHCC Permanent Secretary Dr Jasper Chimedza and The WHO Country Representative for Zimbabwe Professor Jean-Marie Dangou during the handover ceremony

WHO Donates Cholera Supplies to enhance outbreak response in Zimbabwe

A community engagement ongoing

Empowering at- risk Communities to fight Cholera Outbreak in Southern highland regions in Tanzania.

Equipping health workers, media to fight misinformation on cholera  18 May 2023  Brazzaville/Lilongwe – When Malawian journalist Suwira Wanda participated in a recent training to sensitize the national media organizations to misinformation, she learnt for the first time that it is possible to be asymptomatic for cholera, but still infect others through contaminated water. It was crucial training for the journalist at Zodiak, one of the country’s leading media outlets, during the response to Malawi’s worst-e

Equipping health workers, media to fight misinformation on cholera

Cholera response

WHO Ethiopia surge team helps control the spread of cholera in Goro Woreda of Oromia region