WHO supports Nigeria to respond to cholera outbreak (from file)

WHO supports Nigeria to respond to new cholera outbreak in Borno State

School children receive the oral cholera vaccine in Karonga.

Malawi vaccinates 108 000 people against cholera in Karonga

South Sudan declares the end of its longest cholera outbreak

South Sudan declares the end of its longest cholera outbreak

Cholera Immunization

WHO supports the immunization of 1 million people against cholera in Zambia

WHE Emergency Manager, Dr. Collins Owili vaccinates a child against cholera during the flagoff ceremong of the OCV campaign in Borno state. Credits: WHO CE.Onuekwe

WHO helps Nigeria control cholera in Borno state

The WHO Representative Dr. Nathan Bakyaita at the Cholera Treatment Centre in Kanyama, one of the areas affected by the cholera outbreak

WHO donates cholera kits to support the cholera outbreak response in the country

Children and adults are receiving the vaccine across disaster-affected areas

Emergency cholera vaccination campaign kicks off in Sierra Leone

Flooding has caused massive displacement and increase health risks for affected communities

Sierra Leone to begin cholera vaccination drive in disaster-affected areas