WHO Supports Efforts on the Ground in Response to Cholera in Angola

WHO Supports Efforts on the Ground in Response to Cholera in Angola

WHO Representative Leads Field Visit to Cholera Treatment Centres in Luanda Hotspots

WHO Representative Visits Cholera Hotspot in Luanda with Minister of Health

Cholera Outbreak in Angola: Strengthening Response Capacity and Promoting Community Resilience

Cholera Outbreak in Angola: Strengthening Response Capacity and Promoting Community Resilience

WHO Participates in High-Level Meeting on Cholera Outbreak in Angola

WHO Participates in High-Level Meeting on Cholera Outbreak in Angola

The participants appreciated the interactive nature of the training.

Critical importance of International Health Regulations reemphasized with interactive training

A suspected Anthrax patient

Fighting Anthrax through mindset change on health seeking behaviour

Internal displaced population in Kanyaruchinya camp, North Kivu, Eastern DRC -

Palais briefing – 22 September 2023, With Dr Boureima Hama Sambo, WHO Representative to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

South Africa’s Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize and Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti; at the introduction of the surge team of experts to South Africa

WHO Regional Director introduces Surge Team of Experts to South African Government

Vet experts take samples from the sick goats as Jackson and his neighbor watch

Cross-border Field Simulation Exercise comes to a close

WHO and partners are working with more than 4 000 risk communicators

Youth speaking to youth about dodging bullets and Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Congo