Benediction, suffering from Cholera, & his mother (GOMA), Photo: WHO/Savage S.

​Ebola, cholera and measles: Triple threats to the poorest communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Five women with their babies in Beni after surviving Ebola while pregnant

Mothers survive Ebola while pregnant against the odds in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Tanzanian authorities inform WHO they have no cases of Ebola

WHO and partners to help the Government boost health facility defences against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO and partners to help the Government boost health facility defences against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ebola simulation drills in Tanzania trade worry for calm at border entry points

Ebola simulation drills in Tanzania trade worry for calm at border entry points

The Acting Director General of Health Services Dr Henry Mwebesa, Hon Alok Shama getting an explanation about the temperature scanners from health workers.

UK Minister Impressed by Ebola Work done in Uganda

As risks of outbreaks grow, African health ministers agree to new response strategy

As risks of outbreaks grow, African health ministers agree to new response strategy

Neighbouring countries to the Democratic Republic of Congo join forces to halt potential Ebola transmission at their borders

Neighbouring countries to the Democratic Republic of Congo join forces to halt potential Ebola transmission at their borders

Exercise Management Team conducting onsite training

WHO and partners step up preparedness to Ebola threat in two regions