Strong involvement of communities in surveillance is crucial to preventing the local transmission of the Ebola virus

Communities and coordination are crucial in fighting Ebola

CNRD staff help a sickle cell patient in Brazzaville, June 2019

Centre of excellence brings hope for sickle cell patients in Congo Republic

All Cabo Verdeans are entitled to a basic package of health services

Cabo Verde shows us the health care progress we want to see across Africa

Launching of Namibia Resource Tracking Report for 2015-2017

Launching of Namibia Resource Tracking Report for 2015-2017

A little black box for detecting and tracking outbreaks

A little black box for detecting and tracking outbreaks

Healthcare workers at Chief Jallah Lone Medical Center celebrating WHHD, Gbarpolu County, Liberia

18 Hospitals in Liberia take the lead to prevent sepsis in healthcare

System-wide assessment of efficiencies across HIV, TB and MNCH Programmes in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Communication Strategy for National Health Insurance

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita (left) shaking hands with the Minister of Forein Affairs Hon. Harry Kalaba after presenting letters of credence.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita presents his credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs