CNRD staff help a sickle cell patient in Brazzaville, June 2019

Centre of excellence brings hope for sickle cell patients in Congo Republic

Vet experts take samples from the sick goats as Jackson and his neighbor watch

Cross-border Field Simulation Exercise comes to a close

Professor Judith Torimiro (right) with some of her students

Cameroonian scientist champions African-led research for Africa 

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO

Algeria and Argentina certified malaria-free by WHO

Dr. Stéphane Hugonnet, Epidemiologist, WHO

A worker places vials in a container

South Sudan’s Ebola preparedness activities strengthen overall outbreak readiness

Raquel Mahoque Maguele, Team leader, Health Operations

Dr Raquel Mahoque Maguele, Team leader, Health Operations

Lionel Caetano António Domingo is a General Medicine Technician in Beira.

Dr Lionel Caetano António Domingo, General Medicine Technician

All Cabo Verdeans are entitled to a basic package of health services

Cabo Verde shows us the health care progress we want to see across Africa

Vacinação contra Pólio

Father vaccinates community after daughter paralyzed by polio in Mozambique