Shedrick Barlee, with his one-year-old son Blessed Barlee, at the vaccination campaign

Saving Liberia's future, one measles shot at a time

Dr Annet Kisakye receives her award

Dr Annet Kisakye Honoured for Transformative Work in Immunization

Namita proudly receives his first Covid-19 Vaccine dose

Grasham Namita’s Journey to Protection: The First COVID-19 Vaccine on Chiyampiri Island

Mercy receives her Covid-19 booster vaccine

Reaching the underserved with vaccines is a right for all

The Democratic Republic of the Congo introduces R21 malaria vaccine

The Democratic Republic of the Congo introduces R21 malaria vaccine

Chad introduces malaria vaccine in triple-vaccine rollout for children

Chad introduces malaria vaccine in triple-vaccine rollout for children


EPI at 50: A Commitment to Expanding Vaccine Access and Protection in Zimbabwe

Experts commit to step up immunization programme in Central Africa

Experts commit to step up immunization programme in Central Africa

Maria Goeieman, a 31-year-old mother from Drimiopsis in the Omaheke region

Enhancing access to vaccination and nutrition interventions through African Vaccination Week