WHO Experts with Angolans MPs

WHO Experts Engaged with Angolan Parliamentarians in an Advocacy Session on Major Endemics

Bridging the gap to accelerate malaria vaccination rollout in Africa through experience sharing.

Bridging the gap to accelerate malaria vaccination rollout in Africa through experience sharing.

Ethiopia Renews Fight Against Malaria on World Malaria Day

Ethiopia Renews Fight Against Malaria on World Malaria Day

A household using a LLIN at her home to prevent mosquito

Protecting families against malaria using Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets

Enhancing capacity for my malaria vaccine introduction and rollout in Africa through experience sharing

Enhancing capacity for malaria vaccine introduction and rollout in Africa through experience sharing

Cerimónia oficial do Dia Mundial de luta contra o Paludismo

São Tomé and Principe celebrated the World Malaria Day

Major step in malaria prevention as three West African countries roll out vaccine

Major step in malaria prevention as three West African countries roll out vaccine

Dr. Jane Maina, WHO Country Rep. for Gambia, reads her statement to the media and participants in attendance of the day's commemoration

WHO Celebrates World Malaria Day, Highlights Progress and Challenges

Ghana intensifies efforts towards malaria elimination

Ghana intensifies efforts towards malaria elimination

Les Ministres africains de la santé s’engagent à mettre fin aux décès dus au paludisme

African health ministers commit to end malaria deaths