New vaccination centre to reduce crowding in a COVID-19 context and ease vaccination services for nursing mothers and their babies at the CHU Tanambao-Diego in the Diana region.

Easing Routine Vaccination during COVID-19 in Madagascar

Launching of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook to improve the health of Mothers and Babies by  Dr Hon K. K. Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness in the presence of Regional Health Directors, Director General Health Services and WHO Representative in Mauritius, Dr Laurent Musango

Mauritius launched the Maternal Child Health Handbook to improve Mother and Child Health

WHO Team Hands Over Maternity Delivery Solar Kits to the MOH in Asmara

WHO Eritrea Boost of Maternal Health Services

Family Planning

Towards achieving the family planning targets in the African region: a rapid review of task sharing policies

During the handover of the items, Dr Assefash Zehaie, WHO RMNCAH and Dr Berhana Haile, Director of FCH at MoH and other staff

WHO Eritrea Supports the Ministry of Health Maternity Waiting Homes in remote areas with Essential Supplies

Training in progress

Health workers gain new knowledge to help reduce maternal and perinatal deaths in Zimbabwe