No community too remote for Mali doctor

No community too remote for Mali doctor

Health care workers providing care to a pregnant woman

Ensuring the safety of mothers and newborns during childbirth in Namibia

Group photo of participants during the 2021 WPSD commemoration in Monrovia

Liberia Commemorates 3rd World Patient Safety Day

Health Workers including nurses and matrons during the World Patient Safety Day commemorations

WHO Botswana commemorates World Patient Safety Day in Maun

Minister of Health and Sanitation Prof. Alpha T. Wurie launching the National Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety Policy and Quality of Care Strategic Roadmap

Sierra Leone launches National Patient Safety Policy documents at the commemoration of World Patient Safety Day.

Uganda Commemorates World Patient Safety Day and Lights Iconic Bridge to Acknowledge Health Workers

Uganda Commemorates World Patient Safety Day and Lights Iconic Bridge to Acknowledge Health Workers