No tobacco

Sierra Leone becomes 38th country with tobacco control laws in WHO African Region

Kenya: Quitting tobacco farming to improve health

Quitting tobacco farming to improve health

Mrs Margaret Kwaada Julius receiving the tobacco control

 “I am a threat to tobacco”-Advocate 

Smoking is not funny: South African comedian on tobacco harm

Smoking is not funny: South African comedian on tobacco harm

Fresher air, cleaner lungs: Ethiopia expands smoke-free zones

Fresher air, cleaner lungs: Ethiopia expands smoke-free zones

Ernest Ajayi, a 45 years-old civil servant.jpg

 I quit smoking to live a healthier life

Awareness raising among Communities in Uganda on the negative impact of Tobacco

Ending Tobacco Farming Leads To A Healthy Environment And A Healthier Population

Launch of tobacco-free farms in Kenya

Launch of tobacco-free farms in Kenya