The Honorable Minister of Health Honorable Atupele Muluzi, MP handed over bicylces, World TB Day T-Shirts and cloth to members of best performing Community Sputum Collection Centres in Salima

Malawi commends health workers’ efforts to End TB on World TB Day 2018

A TB patient receives treatment drugs from the Minister of Health on Sarah Opendi as other health workers look on

Uganda to prioritize awareness creation and treatment of MDR-TB

Health workers on duty at the TB Unit at the Lakka Government Hospital

New treatment facility offers promising results for drug-resistant TB patients

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018

Dr Moeti delivering her speech at the first WHO Global Ministerial Conference on ending TB in the sustainable development era

Political will and evidence-based action to end TB in the African Region a must – WHO Regional Director for Africa

Approximately 170 TB treatment centres are established across Sierra Leone

How much do you know about tuberculosis (TB) in Sierra Leone?

Tshirt used as promotional material for WTBD 2017

The Gambia Commemorates World Tuberculosis Day 2017

WHO Representative to Ethiopia, Dr Akpaka A. Kalu delivering a key note address at the 12th National TB Research Annual Conference (TRAC)

Ethiopia Commemorates World TB Day 2017