WHO Representative, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses

Engaging stakeholders around key achievements in the health sector

Dr Yonas explains to the Speaker of Parliament how the GeneXpert Machine is used

WHO extends support towards Tuberculosis Diagnosis in Uganda

Hope restored in the Kingdom of Eswatini as tuberculosis incidence reduced by more than half

Hope restored in the Kingdom of Eswatini as tuberculosis incidence reduced by more than half

WHO Child and Adolescent Health Medical Officer, Dr Mary Brantuo

World TB Day 2019

A health worker gives medication to a patient.  Kenya has embarked on a extensive evidence-based approach to root out TB

Kenya embarks on new approach to prioritize future TB actions

The Honorable Minister of Health Honorable Atupele Muluzi, MP handed over bicylces, World TB Day T-Shirts and cloth to members of best performing Community Sputum Collection Centres in Salima

Malawi commends health workers’ efforts to End TB on World TB Day 2018

A TB patient receives treatment drugs from the Minister of Health on Sarah Opendi as other health workers look on

Uganda to prioritize awareness creation and treatment of MDR-TB

Health workers on duty at the TB Unit at the Lakka Government Hospital

New treatment facility offers promising results for drug-resistant TB patients

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018