As part of the Scoping Mission, the WHO team of experts conducted extensive stakeholders consultations.

Strengthening Mauritius’ Primary Health Care approach to improve the population’s health and well-being

 WHO Liberia  Expanded Program on Immunization Officer addresses the audience during the launch of the nationwide polio vaccination campaign in Liberia

United Against Polio: Nationwide Polio Vaccination Campaign Kicks Off in Liberia

HE Hisao Nishimaki, Ambassador of Japan in Namibia, and Hon Dr Kalumbi Shangula, Minister of Health and Social Services

Improving universal health coverage through outreach health services in Kunene and Omaheke regions

First Lady of the Republic of Liberia, Madam Kartumu Y. Boakai speaking the WHD commemoration in Liberia

First Lady of Liberia Appointed Maternal and Neonatal Health Champion: 2024 World Health Day Commemoration in Liberia

World Health Day 2024 Banner

Ensuring Health Equity: Narrowing the barrier gaps in accessing health care

Namibia health care provider at an outreach point.

Strengthening capacity on implementing Primary Health Care Quality Standards

Meeting the health needs of Malians displaced by security crisis

Meeting the health needs of Malians displaced by security crisis

free surgical camp

Hope and Healing: Integrated Free Surgical Camp Offers Relief to Zimbabweans

Training of Trainers on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) - Mauritius, Oct 2023

Health and social workers empowered on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE)