Diálogo Comunitário em Lago, Niassa, Reforça Soluções para Aumentar a Cobertura Vacinal


Reaching Angola’s zero-dose children with lifesaving vaccination

A child being vaccinated in Yenagoa during the Malaria vaccine Roll out

Nigeria Introduces the R21 Vaccine in a Pivotal Move for Malaria Control

Dr Annet Kisakye receives her award

Dr Annet Kisakye Honoured for Transformative Work in Immunization

De Sobrevivente a Protetor: Um Pai Compartilha Sua Luta Contra a Malária

Distâncias Reduzidas e vidas salvas com a instalação de Brigadas Móveis no 3ª ronda do Big Catch Up

Introduction of malaria vaccines in Mozambique.

Mozambique introduces R21 vaccine, bolstering malaria control efforts

Protecting children against hepatitis B with birth-dose vaccine

Protecting children against hepatitis B with birth-dose vaccine

Strengthening Polio Surveillance in Namibia

Strengthening Surveillance to Maintain Namibia’s Polio-Free Status