Bolstering vigilance as Africa rolls out COVID-19 vaccines

Bolstering vigilance as Africa rolls out COVID-19 vaccines

Less than 2% of world’s COVID-19 vaccines administered in Africa

Less than 2% of world’s COVID-19 vaccines administered in Africa

Botswana Vice President Slumber Tsogwane

New dawn for Botswana’s COVID-19 response

WHO urges equitable COVID-19 vaccine access to widen reach in Africa

WHO urges equitable COVID-19 vaccine access to widen reach in Africa

One of the senior citizens receiving first dose of the vaccine

Eswatini launches nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign

Madame Amie Jobe and one of her daughters, a medical Doctor, diplaying their vaccination cards, after receiving the COVAX vaccine

A Women Leader Received “Her Heart’s Desire”, i.e. COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr Steven Velabo Shongwe, WHO Representative in Sierra Leone delivering a statement at the event marking the arrival of teh first COVID-19 COVAX vaccine in Sierra Leone

Statement of Dr Steven Velabo Shongwe, WHO Representative on first COVID-19 COVAX vaccine in Sierra Leone

Dr Austin Hinga Demby, Minister of Health and Sanitation delivering the keynote statement at the event to mark arrival of the first batch of COVID-19 vaccine in Sierra Leone under the COVAX Facility

COVID-19 vaccines shipped by COVAX arrive in Sierra Leone

COVI-19 Vaccines arrival at Kigali International Airport

Rwanda receives COVID-19 Vaccines through COVAX