WHO calls on countries to eliminate rabies

WHO calls on countries to eliminate rabies

WHO joins international calls to invest more in defeating human rabies transmitted by dogs

WHO joins international calls to invest more in defeating human rabies transmitted by dogs

Declaration of Dr. Mohammed Belhocine, head of WHO country office, to mark the end of Ebola Outbreak in Guinea.

The First Lady, Mrs Esther Lungu receiving the salute from the marchers in Livingstone. ( Right) is the UNICEF Rep. Dr. Hamid Elbashir, Mrs Anne Mtonga, National Surveillance Officer and the WHO Rep. Dr. Jacob Mufunda

Highlights of the commemoration of the World Aids Day 2015 in Zambia: “Zambia’s future, Getting to Zero New HIV Infections.”


New recommendations show how to treat all people living with HIV and decrease new infections

Building latrines and keeping water clean decreases diarrhoea and under-nutrition in Mali


WHO targets students in health training institutions to strengthen national health securities


Annual National Tuberculosis Stakeholders Meeting held in Mukono District

Training on Health Financing, Bilene, 26-30 October 2015