Quality Urbanisation and Health for All in Intermediary Cities in Africa
Thursday, 19 May 2022 | 16h30-18h | Room 13

This event aims at facilitating the exchange of information on challenges, innovative practices, priorities and solutions on urban governance for health and wellbeing in African cities. It enables a space for an open discussion and contribution to the global governance, urbanization and health agendas. Likewise, the session urges discussions on the importance of actions o promote quality urbanisation on the African continent to achieve global public health targets.
Multisectoral and participatory approaches to urban governance for health and wellbeing in intermediary cities in Africa are urgently required in order to support progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and other global and regional public health targets, including Universal Health Coverage, the new Urban Agenda, the Partnership for Healthy Populations in Africa, and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. These discussions contribute towards the WHO and UN-Habitat joint programme of work and the reinforcement of the Healthy Cities movement in Africa.
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