
 Ebola is preventable: Keep Ebola Virus Disease out of Ghana! 

1 in 3 women throughout the world will experience physical and/sexual violence by a partner or sexual violence by a non-partner  


Matériels de communication en soutien à une action de plaidoyer pour la disponibilté de sang de qualité et la santé maternelle/infantile en Afrique


Air pollution

Blood safety in Ethiopia

Burden of tuberculosis in Sierra Leone


Environmental determinants of health in Africa

Healthy Eating Patterns in Sierra Leone


Infographics: Blood Supply and Maternal/Child Health



Infographies sur la disponibilité en sang de qualité et la santé marternelle/infantile en Afrique


Lassa Fever in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Mental Health

More than 1 million people acquire a sexually transmitted infection (STI) every day. Prevent and control of STIs contributes to preventing deaths and disabilities.

Nutrition in Ethiopia

O que você precisa para obter, ficar e ficar saudável?

Family planning is essential to securing the well-being and autonomy of women.


Communication materials to support a campaign on blood supply and maternal/child health


Qu'avez-vous besoin d'obtenir, d'être et de rester en bonne santé?


Safer food for all businesses: the burden of foodborne diseases

Safer food for all consumers (poster)

Safer food for all regulators: the burden of food borne diseases

Sustainable Development Goals

Vaccinate girls against human papilloma virus (HPV) to avoid cervical cancer later in life

Vaccinate girls against human papilloma virus (HPV) to avoid cervical cancer later in life

What do you need to get, be and stay healthy?


WHO Ethiopia Blood Safety 

WHO Ethiopia Nutrition Infographics

World Blood Donor Day 2013 (English)

World Blood Donor Day 2013 (French)

World Blood Donor Day 2016: Blood connects us all (poster)

World Health Day 2016: Beat diabetes

World Hepatitis Day 2016

Yellow Fever