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Pioneering charter to drive up investment in Africa’s health workforce

Pioneering charter to drive up investment in Africa’s health workforce

Major step in malaria prevention as three West African countries roll out vaccine

Major step in malaria prevention as three West African countries roll out vaccine

Dr. Jane Maina, WHO Country Rep. for Gambia, reads her statement to the media and participants in attendance of the day's commemoration

WHO Celebrates World Malaria Day, Highlights Progress and Challenges

The President

Sierra Leone Introduces Malaria Vaccine

GPEI Delegation meeting at the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Madagascar.

Madagascar receives a high-level visit from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) to strengthen routine immunisation, fight polio, and increase immunisation coverage

Over 50 million lives saved in Africa through expanded immunization programme

Over 50 million lives saved in Africa through expanded immunization programme

HPV Vaccination

Over 5 million girls in Tanzania to receive HPV vaccine to combat cervical cancer