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Hon. Elizabeth Achuei - Minister for Health, Deputy Minister, Hon. Deng Dau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Victoria Anib Majur, Undersecretary, Ministry of Health and David Renz Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., (CDA), Embassy of the United States of America receiving the J&J vaccines

South Sudan receives its first consignment of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility

During the debriefing session on TB Programmatic findings

Eritrea- Green Light Committee Monitoring Mission 2021

The Ambassador of the United States to Sierra Leone (right) and the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (Left) at the official handing over event of the vaccine

Sierra Leone receives 113,490 Pfizer vaccines donated by the US Government via COVAX Facility

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Polio- We have won a battle, but the war is still on-Professor Tomori

WHO logistics hub airlifts its largest single shipment of humanitarian cargo to Ethiopia

WHO logistics hub airlifts its largest single shipment of humanitarian cargo to Ethiopia

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States in the Northwest keep pressure on vaccine-derived polio