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Pharmacy and medical students in Sierra Leone say No Tobacco

On World No Tobacco Day, partners call for a tobacco-free Sierra Leone

Participants of Strengthening Health Literacy for Adolescent and Youth workshop

Strengthening Health Literacy for Adolescent and Youth

Ring vaccination is a new and vital tool in the control of Ebola. Photo: WHO/S. Oka

Ebola vaccine provides protection and hope for high-risk communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

WHO and partners in a review meeting on the cholera response activities in Mubi North and Mubi South, Adamawa state. Photo: WHO/A.Apagu

WHO deploys personnel to rapidly control cholera outbreak in Adamawa state

Dr Bamusa Bashir of WHO vaccinates an eligible child in Gajigana, Magumeri LGA during the ongoing measles reactive vaccination campaign in Borno state. Photo WHO

Borno state boosts immunity of over 200 000 children against measles disease in newly accessible areas

Dr Wamala Joseph helping the participants during the practical session on editing and deleting reports

WHO enhances real-time surveillance in resource limited and hard to reach areas of South Sudan using a mobile-based reporting system

Global HEARTS’ Manual Adoption workshop participants

Global HEARTS’ Manual Adoption workshop held in Ethiopia

Community Health Champion bonding with caregiver for delivery of lifesaving messages at Cuton House IDPs camp in Borno_Photocredit_WHO-CE.Onuekwe

Borno targets 1 million internally displaced persons with house-to-house lifesaving messages