Featured news

Ms. Nanyonga training the VHTs at Ngenge sub-county in community mobilization

Village Health Teams Contribute Tremendously to the Marburg Response in Eastern Uganda

The delegates opening the maternity complex in Yambio.

Canada and WHO strides to improve maternal and child health in South Sudan

Health Cabinet Secretary Dr Cleopa Mailu (centre) launches the International Certification mission to certify Kenya Guinea Worm free. He is accompanied by WR Kenya Dr Rudi Eggers, 4th left, chairman of the team Dr Joel Breman, 5th left, and part of the rest of the team

Kenya’s chance for Guinea Worm FREE status

The National Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Testing Services

With support from WHO and partners, the Ministry of Health launches the ‘Treat All’ and HIV Testing Guidelines to end AIDS

Plague contact tracing in Madagascar

Encounters with plague: tracing and preventing infection


Government of Sweden and four UN agencies announce new Joint Programme to boost efforts to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health and to end AIDS

Cross section of participants in groups validating the draft practice guidelines. Photo: WHO

The World Health Organization supports the Ministry of Health to strengthen efforts to eliminate Viral Hepatitis in South Sudan

SGF delivering the speech of His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buahari

Nigeria requires commitment by the 3-tiers of government to avert deaths among untreated 2 million persons living with HIV/AIDs.