Featured news

WHO/Ali Ngethi

Cholera prevention measures reduce transmission among displaced people in South Sudan

The Honorable Minister Dr Jean Kalilani comforting a twin child listens to the mother of the twins living in one of the camps in Chikwawa districts while Dr Nyarko (far right) in khaki WHO field coat looks on WHO Malawi photo

Malawi health service delivery systems in flood affected districts to be strengthened by MOH and the WHO response efforts

Kenya marks World Cancer Day with high expectation

WHO/P. Desloovere

From Liberia to Sierra Leone: a cortege of hope in the fight against Ebola

Ibadan group picture

WHO supports Nigerian government in efforts to eradicate polio in 2015

Dr. John Rumunu, Director General for Preventive Health Services in the Ministry of Health (left) addressing the meeting.

WHO Supports Ministry of Health to Host IDSR Review and Consultative Meeting

Participants at the climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment workshop in Lusaka

WHO supports workshop on climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment