Featured news

Partners commit to working together towards improving transparency and accountability in health sector

One of the community elders making a round of greetings. Dr Jean-Baptiste Roungou pictured in a hand-shake with the elder.

From Control to Elimination of Onchocerciasis in Ethiopia

Health worker getting ready to vaccinate children in a school in Sabata town, Oromia region.

Meningitis A Vaccination Campaign Sets Off to Reach 27 Million People

World Polio Day was commorated alongside UN Day on 24 October in Addis Ababa

Polio Partners Renew Commitment to "End Polio Now!"


WHO Ethiopia on Social Media

Dr Kesetebirhan Admasu, Minister of Health, speaking at the opening of the 16th ARM.

Visioning for the Future of the Health Sector in Ethiopia

Ebola screening taking place at Bole International Airport, Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia Deploys 200 Health Workers to Support Ebola Response in West Africa

Dr Sambo urges countries to accelerate the progress of implementation of the African Public Health Emergency Fund