Featured news

Dr. Rui Vaz and Alhaji Aliko Dangote

EBOLA: WR Underscores Importance of Partnership with the Private Sector


More hospital beds for Liberia


Uganda hosts first meeting on strengthening Reproductive Health indicators

Mobile Health team

Addressing Inequity of Health Service- Delivery in Northern Nigeria.

Dr Abdi, Dr Riek Gai Kok and State Minster of Health addressing a team of journalists at the Gangura border entry point, Western Equatoria State.

WHO South Sudan Country Representative visits South Sudan and DRC border as part of Ebola Preparedness and Response


All UN Personnel in Eritrea Briefed on UN Cares

Professor Oyewole Tomori (with mic), Dr. Hammid Jafari (left) and Dr. Ado Mohammed, ED NPHCDA

28th ERC Meeting Ends-Experts endorse local strategies for an “all-out” effort to finish polio in Nigeria