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Director PEPFAR flanked by unicef on the right and WHO Representative on the left

PEPFAR’S Director of Programs visits Cameroon - Meets with partners involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS at WHO Country Office


Lesotho develops National Business Continuity Plan

The State Minster of Health H.E. Jehan Deng shows off the key for the new maternity ward moments after receiving it from Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed, WHO Representative for South Sudan, the Canadian Ambassador to South Sudan Nick Coghan and the contractor who built the maternity ward

Improving maternal health in Jonglei State: new maternity ward established, 7 February 2013

66th session of the Federation of International Civil Servants’ Association (FICSA) begins in Brazzaville, Congo


The launching of National Cervical Cancer Screening Program in Lesotho

 Sierra Leone launched the first round 2013 polio immunization campaign on 24 January 2013 in Moyamba District. This was integrated with the Maternal and Child Health Week (MCHW) Campaign The event was launched by Dr Abu Bakarr Fofanah, Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation (MoHS). In his address Dr Fofanah stated that scaling up of maternal and child health services is a high priority on the government’s agenda. He urged the full participation of stakeholders for a successful outcome of the campaign. “A

Sierra Leone Launches Integrated Maternal and Child Health Interventions