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Data to action workshop

Empowering adolescents to lead change using health data

Tackling health impacts of plastic pollution in Africa

Tackling health impacts of plastic pollution in Africa

Participants in group work

Angola strengthens surveillance capacity in outbreak preparedness and response.

Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in Tanzania declared over

Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in Tanzania declared over

How preparedness boosted Tanzania’s Marburg outbreak response

How preparedness boosted Tanzania’s Marburg outbreak response

Participants at the Infodemic training in Arusha

Flattening the curve in Tanzania: WHO and AIRA train public health workers to fight Infodemic

First large-scale campaign in DRC using innovative polio vaccine

First large-scale campaign in DRC using innovative polio vaccine

Tony Kidiga, focal point for Tobacco Free Farms, Ministry of agriculture, speaks about good practices to WHO visiting team at a farmer's in Migori County

Kenya leads global World NO-Tobacco Event