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Gambia observes African Traditional Medicines Day (TRM) 2012

Cholera Situation in Sierra Leone, 6 September 2012

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 5 September, 2012

UN Agencies warn that cholera epidemic is spreading in West Africa

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 4 September, 2012

Participants at the launch of Training together with (Center L-R) Dr. Basimike Mulenda, Dr. Khaled Bessaoud and Dr. Amha Kebede, EHNRI

The International Training Course on Planning and Management of Malaria Control Programs for Anglophone African Countries launched in Addis Ababa

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 3 September, 2012

The Permanent Secretary Mr. Mark Bor CBS 6th from left poses for a photograph with the Director of KEMRI Dr S. Mpoke 5th from left, WHO OIC Dr R. Mpazanje, facilitators

Launch of the first Regional Course on Programmatic Management of TB, Tb/HIV and Drug Resistant TB at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)