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Partnership for Delivering the MDGs

WHO Confirms Ten Cases of Pandemic H1N1 2009 in the African region.

WHO African Regional Director concludes official visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Voluntary Blood Donors are Everyday Heros – WHO

UN staff briefed on Influenza A H1N1

Assistant Minister of Health Mr G.U.S Matlhabaphiri giving the keynote address at the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day 2009 in Kasane

World No Tobacco Day 2009 Commemoration in Botswana

Dr. Jean Baptiste Tapko WR a.i. (in suit) and the NPO Tobacco assisting him in delivering the RD’s Message on WNTD 2009.

World No Tobacco Day Report 2009 - United Republic of Tanzania

West Africa unites to tackle spreading polio epidemic. 74 million children to be immunized, as outbreak spreads to Guinea