
In Uganda, WHO has been supporting the work of volunteer health workers on Village Health Teams, to get messages about COVID-19 prevention and surveillance to communities who need it most. This will not only help with prevention, but also reporting of COVID-19, which will help the Ministry of…
Mr Mark Oguma Oguti and his daughter Claudia are thrilled about the launch of the #YellowFever Vaccination campaign.
Dr Phiona Atuhebwe narrates her experience with COVID-19. The detection, evacuation, treatment and discharge. Find out how she still suffers from the after-effects, two months into her healing process.
There is increasing evidence that people living with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension and diabetes are more likely to suffer severe cases of COVID-19. To stay safe: ✔️ Secure 1 month+ supply of medication ✔️ Keep taking your medication ✔️ Keep 1 metre distance from others ✔️…
Dr Jean-Marie Dangou is the Coordinator of the noncommunicable diseases programme at the WHO Regional Office for Africa. He shares his advice on the risks of COVID-19 for people with chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, and how they can protect themselves from the virus. #COVID19 #…
Dr Landry Kabego, Technical Officer at the WHO Regional Office for Africa, shares his advice on whether and how children should wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, at what age, and in which circumstances. #COVID19 #Africa #children
Thanks to a strong healthcare system, political commitment and good communication, Mauritius currently has no local cases of COVID-19. But the government remains vigilant. #health #africa #covid
What is WHO doing for COVID-19 Helping countries to prepare and respond Providing accurate information Ensuring vital supplies reach frontline health workers Training and mobilizing health workers The search for a vaccine
What should be done to prevent other people in the house from becoming sick if a person with COVID-19 is being cared for at home? There are a number of precautions that can prevent the spread of COVID-19 to other people in the house: If someone in your family is sick with COVID-19, it is important…
As cases of Covid-19 rise across the African continent, putting pressure on healthcare systems, home-based care can be a solution for some patients, to ease pressure on hospitals and help to break transmission chains. #Africa #health #Covid
With support from WHO, Ghanaian authorities have made a plan to make sure the rest of the health system is protected and functioning during the pandemic, meaning people can continue to access vital services and feel confident attending hospitals and clinics. #COVID19 #Ghana #Health