Countries for strategic support (CSS) 2004 Proposal EP

Countries for strategic support (CSS) 2004 Proposal EP

Strengthening presence in countries for strategic support to effective national health systems and service - EPI component

Rationale and justification

Major challenges:

  • Sustain the reduction in morbidity and mortality of vaccine preventable diseases
  • Stagnating immunization coverage for vaccine preventable diseases
  • Poor access to, and quality of immunization and surveillance activities in priority districts and sub-districts.

Vision of country office:

To build a nation that is free from the major burden of vaccine preventable diseases as public health importance

Overall of objectives

To reduce the burden of vaccine preventable diseases and achieve the targets of UNGASS and MDGs specific for strengthening WHO country presence

Facilitate the process of:

  • building capacity for planning and management of immunization services
  • building capacity for planning and implementing surveillance programmes
  • improving access to sustainable outreach services
  • increasing/sustaining the quality of services
  • building public-private sector collaboration

Key activities to be implemented

  • Monitoring the implementation of RED in priority districts
  • Monitoring and supporting Surveillance activities at all levels
  • Facilitating training for key staff to build capacity for planning and management
  • Facilitating private sector collaboration and community mobilization activities
  • Data compilation, reporting and documentation

Resources required - Capacity building

  • 6 weeks epidemiological/surveillance training for 2 office assistants for secretarial duties and data entry at country office
  • Technical officer at Field office (Tamale) for surveillance and data management services
  • 1 motor bike at field office (Tamale) for data collection and surveillance activities
  • 1 desk top Computer and accessories for field office for documentation of the northern sector EPI and surveillance data.


  • 6 weeks Epidemiological/surveillance training in Atlanta - $20000
  • Monthly salary for TO in Tamale for 1 year - $12000
  • Monthly salary for office Assistant in country office - $6000
  • 1 motor bike for Tamale office/fuel - $5000
  • 1 desk top computer and equipment for Tamale office - $4000
  • Communication, equipment and stationery support - $3000
  • Total - $50,000