News Releases

African countries scale back on COVID-19 measures

With new COVID-19 cases significantly dropping, many countries are increasingly curtailing COVID-19 surveillance and quarantine measures. While the need to reopen economies and resume social life is important, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for caution and consideration of the risks involved. 

Low funding, COVID-19 curtail tuberculosis fight in Africa

Inadequate investment and funding for tuberculosis (TB) control in Africa is jeopardizing the efforts to meet the global target of ending the disease by 2030, while the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to roll back progress made so far in the continent, an assessment by World Health Organization (WHO) finds.

Launch of tobacco-free farms in Kenya

Hundreds of farmers in Migori County, Kenya will break free from risky tobacco farming and transition to producing more sustainable crops, through the Tobacco-Free Farms Project being launched today. 

More than 80 million doses to be administered to southern African children targeted ...

Malawi will on Sunday launch the first round of vaccination campaigns against wild poliovirus type 1. More than 80 million doses will be administered to more than 23 million children under 5 years in the four-round vaccination drive in five southern African countries after Malawi declared an outbreak on 17 February—the first such case in the country in 30 years, and the first in Africa since the region was certified free of indigenous wild poliovirus in 2020. 

Improving adolescent and youth health services

Nineteen-year-old Armande* recalls her disastrous first visit to a health centre. “It was awful,” says the teen from Kongo Central, in western Democratic Republic of the Congo. “I was younger then and looking for information on HIV, and the nurse there made fun of me in front of everyone because of my age.”

COVID-19 takes a heavy toll on women’s health

Disruptions to essential health services due to the COVID-19 pandemic are being felt broadly. As the world marks International Women’s Day, a new World Health Organization (WHO) analysis finds that women’s health services are far from being fully restored, with 40% of African countries reporting disruptions to sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services.

The Gambia Inaugurates an Ultra-Cold Chain Store for Vaccines

The Ministry of Health recently launched an Ultra-Cold Chain Vaccines that will be used to store Coronavirus vaccines in the fight against Covid-19 in the country.

In an official ceremony, Dr Ahmed Lamin Samateh, Hon. Minister of Health noted that the provision of the Ultra Cold Chain Vaccines is meant to ensure that “we are able to restore vaccines in our collective endeavor against COVID-19.”