News Releases

WHO Africa welcomes Gavi’s commitment to Africa vaccine manufacture, immunization an...

Brazzaville – The quest to protect Africa from vaccine-preventable diseases has received a significant boost, with the commitment of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance to invest US$ 1.8 billion to support  African vaccine manufacturing, catching up missed children and pandemic preparedness.

The decision taken last week by the Gavi Board at its meeting in Accra, Ghana will help the continent to recover from the impact COVID-19 pandemic and be better prepared to respond to future public health emergencies.

Scaling up country support for NTD eradication

In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) unveiled the neglected tropical diseases (NTD) roadmap 2021-2030, initiating a decade dedicated on controlling, eliminating, and eradicating NTDs. The WHO Regional Office for Africa is stepping up support for countries on the implementation of the roadmap to bolster the fight against NTDs and accelerate progress towards attainment of the roadmap targets and goals.

Accelerating action for HPV vaccination in Africa

Lusaka – In an effort to reinforce the fight against cervical cancer in Africa, World Health Organization (WHO) and partners are supporting countries to scale up vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancer.

Shipments to African countries herald final steps toward broader vaccination against...

  • More than 330,000 doses of WHO-recommended RTS,S malaria vaccine arrived last night in Cameroon – a historic step towards broader vaccination against one of the deadliest diseases for African children
  • Malaria burden is the highest on the African continent, which accounted for approximately 95% of global malaria cases and 96% of related deaths in 2021
  • With several African countries now finalizing rollout plans, an additional 1.7 million doses are set for delivery to Burkina Faso, Liberia, Niger and Sierra Leone in the coming weeks
  • These shipments signal t