News Releases

Health leaders see urgency of better coordination among partners for delivering univ...

African health leaders urged development partners to better coordinate their efforts when supporting countries in strengthening their health systems towards achieving universal health coverage and health security. The call came during a side event, organized today by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other Harmonization for Health in Africa partners, during the Tokyo International Conference on African Development taking place in Yokohama this week.

WHO and Africa CDC agree on joint actions to improve health security in Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the African Union Commission (AUC) through its Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) deepened their ties today by endorsing an ambitious action plan that aims to tackle health security challenges facing the continent. The two organizations signed an agreement outlining clear mechanisms for collaboration that will maximize existing synergies.

Restoring people’s trust in medical facilities an essential prescription for achievi...

22 August,  Brazzaville - Populations across the 47 Member States of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) African Region only utilize an average 48% of their available health services. But only an average 34% of those same populations even has access to essential services. And health systems in those countries only perform, on average, at 49% of their possible level of functionality.

The WHO universal health coverage agenda seeks to diminish these gaps by strengthening district and local health systems in their delivery of services to all people.

As risks of outbreaks grow, African health ministers agree to new response strategy

With an acute public health event reported every four days on the continent, it is more important than ever before for African countries to be able to respond to health emergencies. African health ministers today adopted a 10-year regional strategy that aims to strengthen integrated disease surveillance and response and mitigate the devastating impact of outbreaks, such as Ebola.

Winners of inaugural WHO Innovation Challenge announced

The three winners of the first World Health Organization (WHO) Africa Innovation Challenge were honoured during an evening awards ceremony as part of the WHO Regional Committee meeting of health ministers taking place this week in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.