Hagan declared Best worker as Morkor and Adzo bid farewell

Hagan declared Best worker as Morkor and Adzo bid farewell

The WHO Representative to Ghana, Dr. Joaquim Saweka has presented a Certificate of Recognition to Mr. Samuel K. Hagan for being adjudged the Best Worker for 2006. Dr. Saweka made the presentation at a WCO staff new year lunch promoted by the Staff Association on Friday 1, February 2008. The day will go into the annals of the WHO Country Office as a memorable one since it is the first time a staff has been honored for meritorious service to the Organization.

Mr. Hagan, the Logistics Assistant at the country office, was voted the best worker by his colleagues at the annual retreat held at the Busua Beach Resort at Busua near Takoradi in the Western Region. Mr. Hagan received a certificate, a carving and other parcels for his prize. Presenting the certificate of recognition to Mr. Hagan, Dr. Saweka congratulated him for the achievement and drew his attention to the challenges the award brings to him as the first recipient at the office. Mr. Hagan was grateful to the country staff for the honour and promised to live up to future expectations. Present at the occasion was the UNAIDS Country Coordinator, Dr. Leopold Zekeng.

During the same function, two of our colleagues, Dr. Morkor Newman (NPO/HIV) and Ms Adzo Akpalu (NPO/3by5), bade farewell to the office to assume duties in new stations and working environments.

Dr. Newman leaves the WCO to assume duties at the Inter-Country Support Team (IST) office for the Southern and Eastern Block of the Regional Office in Harare, Zimbabwe. She joined WHO-Ghana in 2002 and was the Focal Point for HIV/AIDS. A citation from the WR and staff to Dr. Newman described her as hardworking, resilient and someone who is quick to learn and implement new ideas. Dr. Newman was very versatile. She was the Treasurer of the Staff Association and a member of the Office Retreat Planning and Report committees. Her departure is a challenge to the country office. Presenting the citation to Dr. Newman, Dr. Saweka congratulated her on her elevation and ascribed it to the dint of her hard work.

Ms Adzo Akpalu also bid farewell to her colleagues to take appointment with the UNAIDS Ghana office in Accra. Ms Akpalu worked with WHO for 2 years was responsible for the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) component of the HIV/AIDS program. Addressing Ms, Akpalu, Dr. Saweka thanked her for her contributions to the Organization during her 2 years of services. He assured her of WHO's continuous support since the two institutions share common visions and goals for HIV/AIDS prevention and control.

Dr. Newman and Ms Akpalu recounted their experiences and the cordial working relationships with their colleagues and promised to be in regular contact.