The Implementation Research Platform - Leveraging funds initiative (IRP) Workshop concluded successfully

The Implementation Research Platform - Leveraging funds initiative (IRP) Workshop concluded successfully

14 December 2012, Bishoftu, Ethiopia -- The Five - Days workshop on “Implementation Research Protocol Development” concluded on December 14, 2012. The workshop was part of the initiative established to build the capacity of African countries (Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Guinea, Mozambique, and Zambia) in the areas of implementation research with focus on Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (Millennium Development Goal-(MDG 4) and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (MDG 6) programs. The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Ethiopian Health and Research Institute (EHNRI) and WHO Ethiopia organized the event with the support of WHO Headquarters.

About 17 researchers from 5 research teams from universities of Jimma, Dilla, Arbaminch and Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Institute (EHNRI) were selected through a series of steps following the capacity building and priority setting workshop held in 2011.

Addressing the audience during the opening session, Dr Khaled Bessaoud, Acting Country Representative to Ethiopia, described the rationale underling the initiative: “The attainment of the MDGs, especially the health related ones, needs a focused action targeting the most vulnerable segment of the population who are women and children. In our continent, especially in sub Saharan Africa, many women and children die annually needlessly due to lack of access to essential and emergency Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) services. Although there are great efforts on this aspect, the progress towards achieving the MDGs 4 and 5 is still lagging behind.”

Dr Khaled indicated that the purpose of the implementation research platform initiative was intended to identify the main bottle neck challenges for attaining MDG4 and MDG5 and identify ways for scaling up service implementation for reducing the high burden of maternal, new-born and child mortality and morbidity. The Implementation Research Platform Initiative (IRP) had brought together policy makers, programme managers and national experts to work with countries to assist teams to develop research proposals that address priority questions to accelerate progress towards MDGs 4 and MGD 5.

He then encouraged all policy makers, program managers and researchers to use this five - days workshop as platform to prepare the implementation research proposals and to take the initiative one step ahead.

As he declared the opening of the workshop, Dr Khaled reiterated WHO’s continued support and commitment to ensure Ethiopia’s progress to realize the improved health status of women and children in line with the MDGs.

Among highlights of topics discussed were “Increasing the uptake of PMTCT and promoting MNCH services, increasing skilled birth attendance and establishing community based participatory intervention partnership. “

Researchers will be expected to develop and submit proposals to the Implementation Research Protocol Initiative. It was learnt while one of the proposals will get funds; the rest will depend on funding mobilization.

Opening Remarks by Dr. Khaled Bessaoud, WHO Representative a.i - A Research Proposal Development Workshop 10 to 14 December 2012 Babo-gaya Resort Center, Debre-Zeit

The Implementation Research Platform - Leveraging funds initiative (IRP) Workshop concluded successfully [pdf: 440.16 kB]

 01 Researcher Participants With Dr Khaled Bessaoud, Center, Staff From WHO CO, HQ , FMOH EHNRI 02 Partial View Of Participants
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The Implementation Research Platform - Leveraging funds initiative (IRP) Workshop concluded successfully

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