Meeting of Panel of Experts of the Harmonization for Health in Africa Partnership opens in Dakar

Meeting of Panel of Experts of the Harmonization for Health in Africa Partnership opens in Dakar

b63f55e2dabe4ce78bfa9232301df2db_XL_0.jpgDakar, 12 November 2013 -- In a meeting of the Harmonization for Health in Africa (HHA) partnership, technical experts from multilateral and bilateral international agencies made a strong appeal for an enhanced coordinated approach to programme and funding in order to strengthen Africa’s health systems, ahead of the approaching 2015 deadline of the Millennium Development Goals.

“The partnership you are part of with HHA is key to resolve some of the problems inherent to the plethora of health initiatives being undertaken in Africa today,” said Dr Bocar Toure, Director of the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Africa Department of Health Systems Strengthening.

“HHA assists countries on this continent in speeding up their pace in achieving the MDGs, in particular those related to achieving universal health care,” said Dr Toure.

Speaking during the opening ceremony of a two-day meeting of experts composed of health economists and medical practitioners representing organizations in the UN family of agencies, as well as from donor agencies, Dr Toure emphasised the importance of international partners working together to further Africa’s health agenda.

He recalled that since the creation of HHA in 2006, international agencies and donors have engaged in ever greater dialogue, forging partnerships in order to harmonise health related actions. HHA technical support has provided countries with the platforms for strengthening health systems, as well as optimising advocacy for resource mobilization efforts.

“This progress opens new perspectives with regard to universal health coverage – and a federated approach to our actions,” said Dr Toure. “We are pleased with our progress so far, and would like to welcome new members into our team,” he said.

Speaking on behalf of UN Women, Dr Maxime Houinato, the Organization’s  Deputy Regional Director for Africa, underlined the need to act together in order to achieve results.

Dr Houinato emphasised in particular health promotion for women and children at the local level through local health agents.

“As we approach 2014, this is a year to consolidate HHA, especially with regard to its role in helping African countries achieve the MDGs in 2015,” he said.

He reiterated UN Women’s satisfaction in taking part in HHA, “since the objective is to influence health systems and mechanisms that define national plans, and sensitising decision makers on the crucial role of harmonization and coordination.”

The meeting of HHA Technical Experts which is taking place from 12 to 14  November, precedes that of Regional Directors of HHA member agencies, scheduled for 14 and 15 November. The experts’ meeting is focused on results of a comprehensive health harmonization two-year action plan (2013-2015), HHA’s place in the in the post-2015 development agenda, and improving internal and external communications between partners.


For further information, please contact:
Khalifa Mbengue: +221 77 545 83 81, mbenguek [at];
Mariam Tendou Kamara: +221 77 740 47 89, mariam.kamara [at];
Flavienne Issembè: +221 77 709 69 62, issembe [at]