National Blood Transfusion Program

National Blood Transfusion Program

Official launching by the Minister of Public Health on the 05 of december 2013

The Minister of Public Health, Mr. André Mama Fouda presided over the ceremony of the launching of the National Blood Transfusion Program (NBTP) on the 05th of December, 2013 in Yaoundé. The Minister was flanked (on his right) by the Secretary General at the Ministry of Public Health, Professor Sinata Koulla-Shiro, the Director of Pharmacy , Medicines and laboratories at the Ministry of Public Health, Dr Aristide Ateba Etoundi, and (on his left) the WHO country Representative in Cameroon, Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye, the Country Director for the Center for Disease Control, Dr Omotayo Bolu and Mr Ambahe Dieudonné Edang Representing the Prime Minister’s office.

This formal ceremony marked the official launching of the National blood Transfusion Program NBTP created by a Prime Ministerial order on the 18th March 2013. Amongst those who attended the ceremony were members of the Diplomatic corps, the civil society, religious leaders, NGOs, Blood donors’ associations, partners and stakeholders in the Safe blood transfusion domain.

The highlights of the occasion included the installation of the members of national committee on safe blood transfusion and three speeches.

The newly appointed Permanent Secretary of the NBTP, Dr Noah Appolonie made a short presentation of the Program since its creation. She revealed that the implementation of the program is on track and there is every reason to be optimistic. It is hoped that the 2014 budget of the Ministry of Health shall make provision for NBTP activities.

The Minister of health made a brief historical survey of the evolution of the Program in which he insisted on the importance of the law on Safe Blood Transfusion promulgated in 2003 to ensure the availability of good quality blood in sufficient quantities to serve the population.

He equally acknowledged the support given to the Government by international organizations and partners such as W.H.O, PEPFAR/CDC to promote the implementation of the program. Some of the actions include; the situational analysis of the blood banks conducted to identify gaps for improvement; the donation of equipment, worth 700,000USD to 10 regional hospital laboratories by the US government; capacity building of 262 professionals in different domains of safe blood transfusion and the development of a draft national strategic plan for safe blood transfusion. He concluded by declaring the official launching of the NBTP.

The WHO Country Representative Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye expressed her satisfaction and that of WHO on this memorable occasion which according to her was the result of hard work and collaboration that reigns amongst the government of Cameroon through the Ministry of Health , WHO and all the partners and stakeholders involved in the domain.

She reiterated the fact that the international community including WHO has been encouraging the non- remunerated free blood donation as the most appropriate way to ensure the availability of safe blood in sufficient quantities to satisfy the present needs. ‘The demand is high and we need to most fast, and to attain our set objectives, the system needs to be well organized and functions well, thus the need to adopt the Draft National strategic plan’ she stated. She equally acknowledged the efforts of other partners in the promotion of safe blood activities and assured that W.H.O will continue with the role of advocacy to promote the implementation of the program.

The Country Director of CDC, Dr Omotayo Bolu on her part outlined the goals of the US government Assistance to the program. The US CDC/PEPFAR is to work collaboratively and support the work of the government of Cameroon, WHO, partners such as SBFA, and all bilateral, international and local partners working in the area of Safe blood transfusion She appreciated the significance of the Launching ceremony and insisted that with much still to be done, efforts of stakeholders and partners should be to complementary to one another.


Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye, WR E-mail: wcoafcm [at] (wcoafcm[at]who[dot]int)

Dr Samuel Besong, NPO/EDM E-mail: besongs [at] (besongs[at]who[dot]int)

Miss Soterine Tsanga, COM/IVD E-Mail: tsangas [at] (tsangas[at]cm[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)

Mme Barbara Etoa NPO/HIP E-Mail: etoankonb [at] (etoankonb[at]who[dot]int)

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