Uganda Launches the National Medicines Policy (NMP) and National Pharmaceutical Sector Strategic Plan III (NPSSPIII)

Uganda Launches the National Medicines Policy (NMP) and National Pharmaceutical Sector Strategic Plan III (NPSSPIII)

Kampala 27th November 2015: Uganda launched the new National Medicines Policy (NMP) and National Pharmaceutical Sector Strategic Plan III (NPSSPIII) in a meeting held at Hotel African in Kampala. The objectives of the meeting were to launch the two documents, share the dissemination plan and get commitment and involvement of stakeholders in implementing the NPSSSPII.

The Guest of Honour, Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye, Minister of Health expressed his gratitude to the stakeholders and partners for having supported the Ministry of Health (MoH) to come up with the NMP and NPSSPIII and commended the pharmaceutical division of MoH for a job well done. He highlighted the synchronization of the NMP with Sustainable Development Goal 3, the National development Plan (NDP) 2015, the Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) 2015, emphasizing the SDG target of “Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all” 

Dr. Elioda further reiterated the focus areas of the NMP 2015; Universal Health Coverage (UHC), equity and efficiency, plus quality of care and said that government stresses the importance of access to medicines as national priority as stipulated in the National Development Plan 2015-20 (NDP). “We are keen to ensuring that quality of medicines is maintained, right from the manufacturer to the consumer at home or health facility,” he said.

Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Director General of Health Services also congratulated the stakeholders upon the achievement of launching the NMP and NPSSPIII. She said that with technical support from WHO, the progress of implementation of the old National Medicines Policy (NMP) 2002 was assessed.  “Out of the 135 practical components“, 65 (48%) of components were on track; 46 (34%) had some action taken but needed more attention, and 24 (18%) had no or very little action taken,” she said.

Dr. Aceng also noted that very good progress had been made in the area of medicine supply, with 28/47 (60%) components on track. She further highlighted the need to improve in the areas of drug financing, which had scored low with 1/11 (18%) components on track, human resources at 4/14, (29%) on track and traditional medicines.

She remarked that these and other findings as well as a wide consultation process with all relevant stakeholders, informed the new Uganda National Medicine Policy, 2015. She concluded by thanking WHO for the technical and financial support that enabled the completion of the NMP and NPSSPIII as well as launching the two documents.

Mr. Joseph Mwoga Health Technologies expert at World Health Organization Country Office spoke on behalf of the Country Representative at the launch. He congratulated MoH on developing, completing and launching the NMP and NPSSPIII. He further said that fundamental right of health is unfulfilled if there’s no access to essential medicines, adding that most interventions of fighting disease, require medicines.

Mr Mwoga further said that to achieve UHC, there has to be adequate access to medicines. He cautioned that the challenge lies in the effective implementation of the plan, the strict adherence to the Uganda clinical guidelines, increased investment in funding for basic medicines, and improved management in the districts. He also affirmed WHO’s support to the government to improve access to good quality medicines to better the health of Ugandans.

The goal of the NMP 2015 is the progressive realization of the highest attainable standard of health, by ensuring access to good quality, affordable essential medicines and health supplies at all times, and by promoting their appropriate use. 

The well attended launch attracted various participants from MoH, USAID, Clinton Health Access Initiative, National Medical Stores, National Drug Authority, , Joint Medical Stores,  the Pharmacy department of Makerere University, District and Hospital representatives, Pharmaceutical companies as well as the media.


For more information, please contact:

Mwebembezi Edmond, Public Information Officer, Tel: +256 414 335569, Cell: +256 782 962674, Email:mwebembezie [at] (mwebembezie[at]who[dot]int)

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