WHO Capacity Building for Learning Focal Points in AFRO

WHO Capacity Building for Learning Focal Points in AFRO

Cluster RSU Management Officers, ISTs Management Officers and HR Officers, Operations Officers from DRC and South Africa, including HR Assistants from Angola and Kenya are attending a training workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa, to enhance their core competencies and develop skills and strategies for managing their work. It is expected that on completion the training, the attendants will have a more coordinated effort in: 

Identifying performance gaps and learning/training needs, in consultation with key stakeholders (including managers), taking into consideration emergent strategies/policies or changes in the environment that require a rethinking of processes and/or reskilling of resources to meet requirements;
Developing meaningful learning plans for their offices, in consultation with key stakeholders (including managers);
Effectively implementing learning plans (from developing terms of reference, identifying resources and vendors, contracting venues, preparing materials and other logistics, selecting and managing participants); and
Monitoring the implementation of plans and report on progress and issues.
It is also expected that the workshop will lead to the setting up of a Learning Committee for the African Region. The main role of the Committee will be to bring about synergy and commitment among Learning Focal Points in the region.