The World Health Organization hands over vehicles to the Prime Minister's Office Regional Administration & Local Government (PMORALG) for strengthening district health services, in Singida DC, Iramba DC and Meru DC

The World Health Organization hands over vehicles to the Prime Minister's Office Regional Administration & Local Government (PMORALG) for strengthening district health services, in Singida DC, Iramba DC and Meru DC

On the 4th of June, 2013 the WHO Country Office handed over to the Prime Minister’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PMORALG) three vehicles to strengthen health service delivery in the three districts of Singida, Iramba and Meru.

The occasion was presided by the Minister for Regional Administration and Local Government (PMORALG), Hon. Hawa Ghasia (MP), Directors from PMORALG, District Executive Directors (DEDs) and District Medical Officers (DMOs)from the three districts of Iramba, Singida Rural and Meru, WHO staff and members of the media.

Dr. Martins Ovberedjo delivered WHO remarks on behalf of the WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora during the ceremony. The speech highlighted progress made so far in the implementation of the initiative including joint (MOHSW-PMORALG-WHO) supportive supervision and field work undertaken in all the 18 districts to establish baseline information and identify areas for immediate support and provision of 1 desktop computer to support effective planning and routine data collection in the respective 18 districts. Dr. Ovberedjo stated that three vehicles worth total of USD 89,000 handed over, will contribute towards improving supportive supervision in the three districts of Iramba, Singida Rural and Meru.

In her acceptance speech, the Minister for Regional Administration and Local Government (PMORALG), Hon. Hawa Ghasia (MP) said that the vehicles handed over will complement the country’s efforts in strengthening health service provision in the districts. She urged the District Executive Directors to sustain the achievements made so far through the initiative and replicate such efforts across other non-health sectors. She further expressed appreciation to the World Health Organization (WHO) for the timely support to the Tanzanian Government and assured that the vehicles will be maintained and used for the intended purposes.

The World Health Organization hands over vehicles to the Prime Minister's Office Regional Administration & Local Government (PMORALG) for strengthening district health services, in Singida DC, Iramba DC and Meru DC

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