
Week 4: 20 - 26 January 2018

Outbreaks and Emergencies Bulletin, Week 4: 20 - 26 January 2018

Situation Report - Kasai Crisis - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Submitted by on Mon, 29/01/2018 - 11:46
CHOLERA OUTBREAK UPDATE - Active transmission is ongoing in 12 health zones in the 3 provinces of Kasaï, Lomami and Sankuru provinces. − 122 cases and 2 deaths reported from January 1st to 15th 2018 in the Kasaï region (CFR=1.64%) − A cumulative of 3,840 cases reported in the 3 affected provinces of the Kasaï region with a CFR of 5.78% since the start of the outbreak. − The overall trend of cholera is decreasing in the Kasaï but for Kalambayi (Lomami), Dekese and Mushenge (Kasaï) the cases have remained high.